Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices / Pro-VET
    Our mission: Improving VET in Russia and Serbia through the professional development of teachers via knowledge-building and practice, reflecting the European VET experience.



    JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) is an internationally-oriented higher education institution providing Bachelor and Masters’ programs and a wide range of professional development and continuing education programs and courses in the fields of Technology, Business, Social and Health as well as Teacher Education. The total amount of students is around 8500 and personnel around 760. The basic tasks include degree-awarding education, RDI, regional development and continuing education services. In 2013, JAMK was named the most international higher education institute in Europe and received the European Commission’s Erasmus Award for Excellence as the best out of 4,500 higher education institutes. Having participated in hundreds of EU co-financed projects over the last 20 years, JAMK has experience in several EU funding programmes (e.g. ERDF, ESF, Life-long Learning Programme, Erasmus+, FP7, Tempus, Interreg, Health Programme and IEE programme). The project funding for RDI activities was about 7,7 million € in 2016. JAMK’s Teacher Education College (TEC) is a national centre of pedagogy, providing basic, further, and continuing education for vocational and higher education teachers since 1962. JAMK TEC has been the most sought-after vocational teacher education college in Finland for many years. At present, the number of students is about 1000 and they represent various professional fields. JAMK TEC specializes in teacher and tutor training through multiform and flexible education allowing e.g. competence-based learning, on-the-job learning and continuous promotion of education-business/working life co-operation. The R&D activities focus on the anticipation of the demands for change in the implementation of vocational and higher education and consequently, challenges set for teachers’ skills and teacher education. JAMK TEC has a long-term experience in international RDI and education export with over 30 international education RDI projects implemented within the past 20 year. Through these projects, JAMK TEC has played a key role in helping educational institutes in testing and implementing models that meet the changing policy aims in VET in various countries in e.g. Western Balkan, South-Eastern Asia and Southern Mediterranean.

    Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen (AHW) educational faculty (100 staff, 800 students) is one of three educational institutes of the Aeres group:

    • University of Applied Sciences and Teacher Education with three faculties: Dronten (agricultural programs), Almere (Applied biology) and Wageningen (teacher education) (EQF levels 5-7)
    • PTC+ (Practical Training Centres)
    • Groenhorst Colleges and Training Centres (EQF level 1-4).

    In 2017, Aeres Group has approximately 1100 employees, 8500 students (+thousands of short term trainees). The turn-over of € 100 million. Key activities are:

    • Providing education and training in the “green” sector.
    • Teacher education and Training lecturers for “green” education and training.
    • Designing and implementing applied and practice oriented research.
    • Service provision and developing and implementing projects in its fields of expertise.
    • Linking to organizations and businesses.

    Staff, and students are encouraged to think and act internationally.

    Key activities of Aeres are:

    • Bachelor studies “education and knowledge management” and ‘consumptive techniques’
    • Associate Degree programs
    • A ‘knowledge building’ based master ‘MEd, Learning and Innovation’ (EQF level 7; 80 students). National predicate: ‘TOP Program’
    • Research: knowledge creating and ecological thinking, learning processes in organisations & companies, teacher research
    • International projects in training of teachers and capacity building in private sector and technical assistance on university & TVET level.

    Warnborough College Ireland (WCI) was founded in 1997 in Ireland. The college specialises in the provision of vocational and educational programmes across a range of disciplines and academic levels. Our students attend from both within and without Europe. We use various methods of instruction, including face-to-face classes, online and blended learning. In particular, our on-line and distance learning courses have been very useful in targeting learners who are unable to avail of classroom-style learning for various reasons (e.g. prisoners, physically disabled). Having students from around the world means that we are au fait with language, learning and cultural differences which may impede successful learning. We have been able to design courses around special needs using different technologies. We have a support network of tutors, mentors, and even local face-to-face teachers to help students to learn. In terms of VET provision, Warnborough College has over 600 courses focusing on vocational and educational training in areas such as agriculture, business and management, entrepreneurial studies, horticulture, hospitality and tourism and environmental science. Outcomes for each course are practical in nature, with discrete outputs and skills. The College has 20 years of experience in transnational education, working with partner institutions and organisations around the world to develop and offer programmes to students from different backgrounds and locations, at all educational levels. We have worked with the Russian government in various provinces on teacher-training projects. In the Middle East, we have collaborated with local institutions on blended and distance learning programmes. We have worked with universities in Thailand and the Philippines to create capacity-building and entrepreneurial programmes for women in rural areas. We worked with the Ministry of Economics in Cambodia to design a development programme for youths. Recently, we have been working with Asia Metropolitan University in Malaysia to develop joint-programmes for deployment across South East Asia.

    Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung (ITB) offers degree courses at Bachelor and Master levels. The Bachelor programme qualifies students for future occupations in practice and research in non-school career areas, as well as for continuing with postgraduate studies in the Master programme for teachers (Lehramt) at vocational schools. Students pursuing careers as teachers at state schools are taught knowledge and competencies in subjects taught at vocational schools, i.e. metals technology or electrical engineering/computer science, including subject specific didactics and a subsidiary subject, as well as studies in education/career training. The department qualifies via a Master of education for the teaching post at professional schools and for an occupation in the school occupational fields in practise and research. The master study is offered with the subjects to commercial-technical sciences electrical engineering informatics or metal technology. ITB (approx. 60 employees) has been working in Research on Vocational and Higher Education and Training since more than 25 years. It is one of the largest independent research facilities on this topic in the world. It focuses on the interaction of work, technology and education and on people's influence on this triangle, aiming at a close interaction between reforming vocational education and training and innovation in work and technology. Thus a holistic mindset always guides the research activities between theory and practice to develop, implement and/or prove applied teaching and learning (e.g. innovative concepts and methods and target groups) and its structures (e.g. curricula and learning venues). Therefore, the research is based not only on multidisciplinary (e.g. cooperation between educational researchers, professional scientists, engineers, psychologists, economics), but also on internationality. The institute conducts a wide set of research and development projects on regional, national and international level.

    Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RSVPU) was established in 1979 as a unique institution of higher professional education to train vocational teachers and facilitators for the systems of initial, secondary and post-secondary vocational education. Now the university offers a breakthrough idea in education – graduates become not only qualified teachers for VET and HE Institutions, but they also acquire such competences that allow them to be active and creative executives and managers of various cultural, educational and commercial projects. RSVPU offers a wide range of graduates from 4 to 8 levels of EQF on the base of three Institutes and a College. RSVPU enrols over 10.000 students from Russia and CIS countries. RSVPU has 18 representative and branch offices in the Russian Federation. The main areas of training are management, pedagogy and psychological support in VET, culture, art, sociology, service industry, business and IT. Following the strategical commitment, as it is indicated in the university’s strategy ‘monitoring of the universities’ internationalization strategies for the best practice and pedagogy in VET’, RSVPU has been the forerunner institution for developing and implementing of ECTS system in Russia. RSVPU was the coordinator of the Russian comprehensive research program “Development of Vocational Pedagogical Education: Scientific Bases and Innovation” (2011-2015). R&D activities at RSVPU generate new teaching that allow vocational schools and universities to set and coordinate innovation projects in the fields of HE and VET, assessment and qualification certification of teachers. At the regional level, RSVPU coordinates research in the program «Education in the Urals region: scientific bases for development and innovation», and is involved in the forecasting of staffing in the regional economy. The University cooperates actively with industrial enterprises distributing high technology equipment. This contributes to forming a practice-based educational environment that allows students to master their skills on automated equipment in modern laboratories for training metallurgists, power engineers and auto mechanics. Cooperation of this kind allows to build a strong professional community of engineering workers, as well as to assist in the early adaptation and socialization of graduates.RSVPU edits and publish a national academic The Education and Science journal which has 6th rank among 200 Russian academic journals on education and pedagogy indexed in Russian SCI. RSVPU is a member of IVETA.

    Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social problems (IPPSP) is the Kazan brunch of the Russian Academy of Education (formerly - the USSR Academy of Pedagogical sciences), that is the supreme scientific and coordinating body for research in socio-educational field and educational technology in Russian Federation. The Institute was organized in 1976 as a Research Institute of vocational education. The IPPSP as a research institute is integrated with the Kazan Academy of Social Education (KASE), a private higher educational institution, and builds together with the KASE a scientific-educational complex. One of the main directions in the Institute research work is to investigate the best practices of VET and HE Institutions' reforms in the EU, identification of its adaptation and educational potential and possibilities for using it in the Russian vocational schools to meet the socio-economic and national conditions of Russia, uniqueness of its culture and educational traditions. Among the research areas are the investigation of the Life-long learning concept in Russian vocational schools, search for new technologies and methods of teaching, development of the students' academic mobility in VET and HE institutions in the global education area, diversification of the teaching/learning process. IPPSP is involved in several Educational State programmes, including a “Cluster approach” to train future competitive specialists for regional and federal labour market. For this purpose, the IPPSP concluded the strategic partnership agreements with Tatarstan republic industrial enterprises, such as Kazan Aviation plant, Nizhnekamsk chemical plant, “TatEnergy”, etc. The Institute’s priority areas are development of innovative programmes for effective student-centred educational system, and enhancement of national large-scale research on educational practice-oriented problems in Russian HE and VET schools, so it will contribute greatly for the dissemination process of the project results. IPPSP has experience in several EU and USA funding programmes and projects (Tempus, DAAD, Fulbright, Muskie/FSA, ERASMUS+), as well as two-sides projects with universities of Germany, Portugal, China, UK, USA. The Institute issues a scientific Journal "Kazan Pedagogical Journal" that is a very popular and recommended by the Russian Ministry of education and science for graduate and PhD students to publish their research results.

    Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) is the center of higher surveying education in Russia and the largest educational institution of this type in Europe. In early 1900s, earth engineering has become one of the key educational profiles of MIIGAiK. Today, the University is actively participating in the exploration of outer space and application of the results of this exploration to science, economy, agriculture, geological prospecting and ecology. Most of national geodetic, optical services and topographic enterprises of different countries have close and mutually advantageous economic and scientific relations with the University. Since 2008, MIIGAiK has started process of integration into European educational field. Introduction of Bologna principles and design of training programmes in line with Bologna is one of the key directions of the University further development. Interaction with European and Russian HEIs within the frames of Erasmus+ programme enabled University to communicate for further developments. MIIGAiK has few colleges in its structure. It provides the needs and possibilities synthesis. The combination of competences in the field of HE and VET, experience in international and local projects make MIIGAiK valuable participant in the consortium. College of MIIGAiK is one of the oldest secondary vocational schools in Russia. MIIGAiK trains specialists of secondary vocational education basic and advanced level in the field of geodesy, cartography; economics, accounting, and land and property relations.

    Tver State University (TSU) The priority directions of Tver state university activities are the following: formation of the educational environment, competitiveness on the labour market; academic mobility of students and lecturers; lifelong learning; partnership of science, education and business. The University is a multi-level educational complex. There are 2 institutes, 15 faculties, 87 chairs, 2 branches, Methodological Centre of Training process Computerization, The Scientific Centres. 20 scientific schools acknowledged in our country and abroad operate within the university, which cover relevant scientific directions within the framework of 15 branches of science.  The Scientific library is one of the biggest libraries within the Russian colleges. Its stock is more than 1 million books. An academic journal «Vestnik of TSU» is issued in 11 series. This journal is indexed in the Russian science citation index. TSU is of high research and educational capacity: 107 Doctors of Sciences, professors; 449 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors. In the staff of the university, there are 36 Full Members and Corresponding Members of Public Academy of Sciences, 592 employees have awards and honorary titles. The overall number of students at the university is more than 20 thousand people. Training is provided on 71 educational programs. There are 277 post-graduates and 13 doctorate students on the department of post-graduate studies. The University has got extensive connections with the European Universities, provides the international mobility of academic staff and students and trains foreigners at the systematic level. TSU is an owner of Certificate of the European Fund on Quality Management (EFQM). It is included in the registry of successful organizations EFQM-BOK. University is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 – 2011. University is an owner of Grand Prix of the VI International Congress-Exhibition "Global Education – Education without limits".

    University of Novi Sad (UNS) was founded in 1960. It is the only state university in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, comprising 14 faculties and 3 research & developmental institutes. There are more than 50,000 students, 5,000 teaching and non-teaching staff, as well 300 study programmes at all three academic cycles. It is a comprehensive university covering all major fields of study and research. University of Novi Sad is rather active in the international collaboration field participating in both educational and research projects (ERASMUS +, TEMPUS, HORIZON 2020, FP7, EUREKA, COST, IPA, etc). When the number of TEMPUS projects in which the University has participated is concerned the University is the top leader both in the country and the region, where most of these projects were aiming at restructuring and reforming higher education processes, structures and programs. UNS has become recognized as a reform-oriented university, developing intensively international cooperation with universities and other institutions in the area of higher education and having considerable experience in implementing academic mobility programs (Campus Europae, Erasmus Mundus Action 2, ERASMUS+ Key Action 1. etc). Due to its reputation as one of the leading internationally-oriented universities in Serbia, Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vesković, former Rector of UNS, has been given a key coordinating role for the Priority Area 7 within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region: Developing the Knowledge Society through Research, Education and Information Technologies which significantly contributed to more intensive cooperation with Danube Region universities through increased number of joint collaborations. Recently the University of Novi Sad set a new strategic goal to become more visible in the international research arena and recognized as excellent University. As a starting point in reaching this goal, the first teaming project within HORIZON 2020 at University of Novi Sad was selected fro funding, initiated by Univerisity’s BIOSENSE Institute Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (ANTARES) becoming the only University in the region implementing this prestigious project.

    University of Belgrade (UB) The University of Belgrade is the oldest university in Serbia and the largest in this part of Europe. Founded in 1808, it consists of 31 faculties (among them 11 in the field of engineering), 11 research institutes, 13 University centres, Computer Centre and the University Library with more than 3.500.000 volumes. It provides education in sciences and mathematics, technology and engineering sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities, with 340 study programs, over 95.000 students and 5.000 academic and research staff, 3,696 papers in 2014 on SCI, SSCI and AHCI lists, numerous publications and scientific and research projects. The University has 11 endowments and 7 funds for supporting the best students. Intensive capacity building for scientific research results in over 300 doctoral theses per year. One of the basic priorities of UB through its Strategy of internationalization is the establishment and the development of cooperation with international organizations dealing with the issues of higher education. UB has a very intensive cooperation with Serbian and regional industry. A very important result of this cooperation represents the skill praxis that UB students take at domestic companies to get real-world experience in the major field of studies (skill praxis is mandatory in most of the curricula at UB). Many students work on parts of their B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses in companies where they solve real-world practical problems. An additional effect of industrially based thesis is that students get acquainted with company procedures and prepare for future employment. Finally, UB faculties utilize problems from industry for formulation of project topics for courses that include project design in syllabus. For more information about the University of Belgrade please visit web site.

    Novi Sad School of Business (NSSB) Novi Sad School of Business is a public school with a tradition of educating professionals in economics and computer science for over 58 years. The School offers undergraduate programs in the fields of finance, trade, entrepreneurship, tourism and applied computer science, as well as postgraduate specialist professional studies in the fields of banking and stock operations and management, and finally the Master of Professional Studies program in the field of international business. The aim of Novi Sad School of Business is to educate professionals who will have acquired the necessary knowledge that can be applied in the contemporary job market. The School is building an efficient interaction with its surroundings, works according to the market principles of attractiveness and competitiveness, and is continually improving working and studying conditions. The main goals of the School are aimed towards reaching a level of quality which will enable the School to become one of the leading educational institutions for vocational studies in the fields of business economics and applied computer science in the region. Novi Sad School of Business puts emphasis on organizing professional practice for students at companies and institutions with which it has had a continued cooperation. During this professional practice, students have the chance to acquaint themselves with business processes, and to acquire practical business experience through everyday participation in business activities, directly observing professionals and solving concrete business tasks. The School focuses on the evaluation of individuality of students through the Student Career Centre and the Development Board, two entities which work together to pave the best way for each student. Based on these evaluations, students are adequately positioned on the job market through their student practice. Novi Sad School of Business was a partner in the realization of the international Tempus project named Modernization and Harmonization of Tourism Study Programs in Serbia 544543-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR from 2013 until 2014.

    The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (VISER) The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Applied Studies (VISER) is public high educational institution, financing from the budget of the Republic of Serbia and the income from tuition fees. The main activity is 3 year of vocational studies with 180 ECTS (7 different programs) and 1 year of specialized professional with 60 ECTS (5 different programs). Curricula for seven foundation study programs are developed, authorised and accredited, in three year duration and granting upon their completion 180 ECTS points: Audio and video technologies, Automation and Vehicle Control Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications, E- Business, New Energy Technologies, New Computer Technologies, Computer Engineering. Students may continue further education at 6 accredited specialist study programs in one year duration and granting upon their completion 60 ECTS points: Multimedia and digital television, Mechatronics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Information Technology, Electric Power Engineering, Security of Information and Communication systems. Graduate students receive bachelor and specialized diplomas. The school has a building with 4000 square meters, 24 different laboratories with top-edge equipment, specializes laboratories, Regional HDTV studio and class rooms with more than 1120 seats. The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Applied Studies was coordinating institution for one regional Tempus project no.517022 which is successfully finished and currently is partner on three on-going projects.

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