Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices / Pro-VET
    Our mission: Improving VET in Russia and Serbia through the professional development of teachers via knowledge-building and practice, reflecting the European VET experience.

    In English

    Ainoutdinova I.N., Tregubova T.M., Ng J., Kopnov V.A. (2022). New roles and competencies of teachers in the ICT-mediated learning environment of Russian universities. The Education and science journal. 2022; 24(1): 191-221.

    The research considers organisational and functional changes in the learning environment of Russian universities mediated by the spread of ICTs in education. ICTs affect the structure and content of curriculum and the relationship of participants in the educational process, which actualises the need to revise a place, roles, knowledge and competencies of humanities teachers. External and internal factors induce teachers to change approaches, methods and teaching technologies in accordance with the social request for high quality training of future professionals in the ICT-mediated realities and improve their ICT proficiency to meet the demands of the day. The best model of ICT-mediated learning environment will function on the basis of technologisation, interdisciplinarity, practice orientation, student focus and multicultural diversity.

    Burns Е., Silvennoinen Е., Kopnov V. A., Shchipanova D. E., Papić-Blagojević N., Tomašević S. (2020). Supporting the development of digitally competent VET teachers in Serbia and Russia. The Education and Science Journal. 2020; 22 (9): 174–203.

    In the modern educational space, an intensive digital transformation is currently taking place, which imposes new requirements for teacher competencies. This determines the relevance of setting goals and solving problems in order to develop up-to-date models for improving the qualifications of teachers of vocational education and training (VET). The paper discusses the current state of the development of digital competencies of teachers and teachers of Serbia and Russia in line with the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) and the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigСompЕdu). The paper includes an analysis of the peculiarities of vocational education and training systems, as well as the directions of further training of teachers, conducted by participants in the international project “Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices (Pro-VET)”. In order to better understand national contexts, the content of the reports of the participating countries of the project was analysed in the context of the EU policy and strategy for the development of digital competency of VET teachers. In this article, the authors focus on exploring digital competencies required of VET teachers within the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigСompЕdu) to identify digital competencies and development needs of Serbian and Russian VET teachers when working in online learning environments.

    In Russian

    Shmurygina M.A., Dremina M.A. (2020). Basic models of work-based learning in vocational education and training in European countries. Insight. 2020. 1(1): 25-32.

    The article discusses three models of work-based learning (WBL), which are used in vocational education and training in European countries in order to reduce youth unemployment and increase their competitiveness in the first employment. The main advantages of applying this practice to all stakeholders (students, teachers, educational organizations, employers) are revealed. In addition, the participation of the employer in the process of training for a certain professional educational program also serves as a signal that this program has value in the labor market and positively affects the image of the educational organization. It is concluded that the creation of opportunities for quality training in the workplace lies at the heart of modern European education and training policy and is based on effective cooperation between professional educational organizations and employers with state support.

    Shmurygina O.V., Dremina M.A. (2021). Support for vocational education during the pandemic (a review of foreign practices). Bulletin of VSU. Series: Problems of Higher Education. 2021. №2. pp. 100-104.

    The article examines the best world practices in supporting vocational education during the pandemic. The types of professional education support used in different countries are described. Attention is focused on the methods of digital teaching and learning, as well as on the requirements for the vocational education and training system, which must anticipate all changes and restrictions on the labor market and adapt to them in a timely manner. The conclusion is made about the prospects of state support for higher education and describes the directions of current and possible support.

    Shchipanova D.E., Konovalov A.A. (2021). Research Competencies of TVET Teachers: Problems and Development Tools. Bulletin of the Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University. No. S2 (31). pp. 253-255.

    The article contains results of a study devoted to the current state and peculiarities of research activities by teachers of vocational education organizations. Relevance of research is determined by the significance of TVET teacher’s research competencies development and the lack of research data in this area. Article contains results of empirical study on deficits and needs of TVET teachers to develop elements of research activities. Tools for the development of TVET teachers research competencies are presented.

    Konovalov A.A., Shchipanova D.E., Lyzhin A.I., Chernyshov B.A. (2021). On the lack of research competencies among teachers of secondary vocational education: the results of the study. Vocational education and labor market. 2021. No. 2 (45). pp. 112-125.

    The article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of research competencies, which, according to the authors, are necessary for the successful professional activity of a teacher of secondary vocational education. The purpose of the article is to identify the lack of research competencies among teachers of vocational training and determine the direction of development of research activities (RA) in the field of secondary vocational education. In order to achieve this goal, a survey was conducted using an online survey developed based on GoogleForms tools, and methods of statistical processing of research data were applied. The article presents the structure and types of research activities of a teacher of secondary vocational education, the results of an empirical study that allowed us to assess the degree of formation of professional competencies of teachers and their readiness to implement the RA. The authors offer practical recommendations for filling the deficit of research competencies in teachers of vocational training.

    Shmurygina O.V. (2021). Work-based learning as a basis for continuing education // Secondary vocational education. No. 3 (307). pp. 27-32.

    Recent studies confirm that education (both higher and vocational) should be in close relationship with the requirements of an ever-changing labor market. However, this is only possible if a system of flexible lifelong learning is created, one of the components of which is the widespread world practice of work-based learning.


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